Jan 30, 2019
In this week’s episode, we’re bringing you an often-requested topic: How do you repair a broken relationship and renew the trust?
Once you’ve been broken, betrayed, lied to, or cheated on — whatever it is — betrayal is betrayal. And once you feel like your trust has been broken, it can feel like a daunting task to get back to a healthy, thriving relationship.
So, in this episode, we have three easy tips to help you restore all your trust in your partnership. We talk about our own experiences rebuilding trust; some listeners’ and friends’ experiences with rebuilding trust; and we give you many practical, actionable tips on how to apply these tips to your life ASAP.
Before tuning into this episode, we highly recommend you take a listen to our previous Going Deep episodes on our story and how we rebuilt trust in our relationship.
Topics Discussed:
[2:00] About today’s ‘going deep’ episode!
[3:40] A recap of our story and how far we’ve come in rebuilding trust.
[6:43] The importance of showing up and doing the work.
[8:11] Our journey of rebuilding trust, including the ups and downs.
[12:55] Sophie’s perspective after our third major bump in the road and how we got back on the road to regaining trust.
[15:20] Our first tip: do the work yourself.
[24:27] Don’t worry about the time it takes to regain trust. Be open to self-growth and improvement.
[25:18] You need action behind the broken trust — not just promises and statements.
[25:48] How do you know when the trust has been rebuilt?
[27:13] Our next tip: Decide to forgive or be forgiven.
[29:30] Sophie explains the feeling associated with letting go when she was coming to terms with everything.
[30:11] The importance of being clear about your intentions from the very beginning.
[30:26] Our third tip (that was one of the most important aspects of our healing): “Leaning in.”
[35:16] Another important tip: Do the work at the same time.
[36:20] The ultimate apology: Acceptance and taking responsibility.
[38:08] How to apply all of these tips into your own life today.
[39:09] Screenshot this podcast, tag us, and tell us about your experience!
Mentioned in this Episode:
“Going Deep: Our Story of Infidelity, Sex Addiction, Trust, and Love”
“Going Deep: Learning to Heal and Rebuild Trust After Relationship Trauma”
“Getting Personal: Lacy & Darrell”
“Getting Personal: The Journey & the Struggle, Following Up with Lacy & Darrell”
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Adi’s Instagram: @DrAdiJaffe
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