Apr 26, 2019
Recently, we interviewed Bruce Lipton (who wrote one of my favorite books, The Biology of Belief) on the IGNTD Relationships podcast. But, that’s not coming out for a little while, so I’ve decided to record for you a few of my insights and key takeaways from the lessons in his book; specifically relevant to addiction, mental health, and internal struggles.
I absolutely love the concepts in The Biology of Belief. The lessons on why you are not your negative belief; how your genetics are not the single influencer in making up who you are; and how you can change your reality if you change your perception are all so powerful. I hope you’ll join me today to learn more about Bruce Lipton’s work and gain some valuable insight around addiction and mental health!
Topics Discussed:
[2:44] About today’s episode and the upcoming relationships podcast with Bruce Lipton.
[4:07] What I love about The Biology of Belief and Bruce Lipton.
[5:50] One of my biggest takeaways from The Biology of Belief.
[13:38] Why there is no such thing as the “addictive gene,” how the interaction between biology and environment creates who we are, and what epigenetic research has revealed.
[19:35] The environmental influences that can impact who are you — especially around addiction.
[21:33] About a client I used to have with several diagnoses, who many believed it was in her genetics and she could not get better.
[22:43] Unlike other animals, we can impact our own perspective and beliefs in the world. That’s powerful.
[25:00] Why you are not your negative belief.
[28:00] What if you were able to switch your negative beliefs into beliefs that serve you in terms of where you want to go?
Mentioned in this Episode:
IGNTD Recovery (Register and join the free workshop!)
TheAbstinenceMyth.com (Pay for shipping and I will send you the book for free!)
Amare (Sponsor)
Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter &
by Bruce Lipton
Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley
“Linked: Adverse Childhood Experiences, Health + Addiction,” article by Adi Jaffe
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