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Dec 14, 2018

In today’s episode, I will be taking you through a listener request, which is, how alcoholism affects children. This is a huge issue because it transcends three of the four categories in The Abstinence Myth, which are: biological, psychological, and environmental factors.


There is more to the impact alcoholism on children than the biological factor (which is often the only one talked about), i.e. “if your parents were alcoholics the odds are you’re genetically predisposed to it too.” For decades this has been the only part that people talk about. But there’s so much more to it than that. And in today’s episode, I address exactly that.


Topics Discussed:

[:35] About today’s episode.

[:58] Screenshot this, tag me, and let me know your takeaway from today’s episode.

[1:18] More about today’s episode and the three categories that are key in today’s topic.

[3:48] How biology impacts children of alcoholics.

[4:49] The psychological considerations around alcoholism and children.

[7:03] How children are dealing with the same shame that their parents are feeling.

[8:37] Another possible aspect — violence and aggression.

[10:45] Another environmental factor: economic and security.

[12:05] What happens to a lot of these children growing up around these factors.

[14:29] How to break this cycle.

[16:36] About my free workshop, book, and relationship workshop with Sophie.


Mentioned in this Episode:

IGNTD Recovery (Register and join the free workshop!) (Pay for shipping and I will send you the book for free!)

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

IGNTD Relationship Intro Course


Find out more about IGNTD:


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