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Dec 28, 2020

Looking for a way to unwind? Gwen Dittmar takes us through a breathwork and meditation to vent out all of our pent up emotions. We all have to brush our teeth and wash our hair, breathwork is the same type of upkeep we need to regulate our nervous systems, bring more peace and calm to our lives. A powerful tool especially during the holidays. 
Gwen Dittmar guides her clients back to their true self and soul purpose by integrating a Masters in Spiritual Psychology, Soul-Centered Coaching, Human Design, Reiki Master, Certified Breathwork Teacher, and practical action. Some of her clients include Whole 30, Tone It Up, Under Armor, Mindbodygreen, Tinder, Heal Thy Self, the Heal Documentary Producer Kelly Noonan Gores. You can listen to Gwen coach clients on their greatest challenges in her podcast, The Beautiful Grit. Gwen offers virtual Moon Circles and Breathwork every month, 3-month RISE Group Coaching, and 8-week Human Design Embodiment Coaching, and her membership site that will launch in 2021. Her coaching tips and tools have been featured in wellness spaces like Mindbodygreen and Well + Good, as well as professional spheres of Forbes. Learn more and connect with Gwen through her websitePodcast, and Instagram.