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Jul 24, 2019

This week’s episode is a powerful one! We’re talking all about pain, trauma, and coming out on the other side of it all. It’s so vitally important to learn how to transform your pain into your power and not let it rule your life.


Our guest today, Brittany Piper, has been through some incredibly traumatic events in her life but has also gained so much from them. She has used her pain to empower her life, her relationships, her experiences, and overall, to elevate her existence. And in this episode, Brittany shares her entire journey with us. She speaks about her sexual assault, her addiction to alcohol, her brief time in jail, the passing of her brother, and how through it all she has persevered and found her purpose and joy. She also tells us all about the work she does now traveling the world sharing her story, helping female inmates overcome trauma, and ultimately, helping others to find opportunities in their pain and struggles rather than succumbing to them.


We really hope you tune in to this week’s incredibly powerful episode with Brittany Piper and reflect on your own journey and pain. How can you transform your pain into your power?


Topics Discussed:

[:48] Reading our review of the week!

[1:19] Sophie reads one of her favorite quotes in the world: “Vulnerability allows me to make magic out of pain.”

[1:56] Reflecting on how this quote relates to this month’s theme.

[5:28] About our incredible new 6-month program, Save Your Marriage Elite Circle.

[8:20] About today’s conversation with Brittany Piper.

[11:28] Be sure to share this episode with someone you think needs to hear it!

[13:25] The conversation of today’s podcast!

[14:21] Brittany shares her journey with trauma and addiction, starting from birth.

[22:45] Brittany recounts her sexual assault, how she got through it, and how she found purpose beyond her pain.

[29:00] Brittany’s shares more of her journey and addiction with alcohol and how it ties into the passing of her brother and her sexual assault.

[31:29] Brittany’s experience with alcohol addiction after her sexual assault.

[37:37] When Brittany met her husband along her journey and how that connection helped her in her life.

[42:17] How Brittany healed and found the positive on the other side of these traumatic experiences.

[46:19] Brittany tells us about the wonderful work she does in prison with female inmates to help them heal from trauma.

[47:25] What does Brittany do to stay centered and take care of herself?

[49:49] Brittany shares a recent experience where she spoke to a student athletic team and someone broke down from being triggered.

[52:04] The importance of taking care of yourself when your job gives you compassion fatigue.

[53:49] What other arenas is Brittany involved in? Which sorts of groups does she speak to?

[56:06] Does Brittany find there is some difficulty in setting the stage for how men should show up in a relationship in her sessions?

[1:06:45] What is the best advice Brittany has ever received?

[1:07:05] What has been Brittany’s proudest moment to-date?

[1:08:20] What has been Brittany’s hardest moment to-date?

[1:10:08] What are some of Brittany’s self-care rituals?

[1:11:10] What ignites Brittany?


Mentioned in this Episode:

Save Your Marriage Elite Circle

Our IGNTD ‘Getting Personal’ Series

Brittany Piper

IGNTD Episode: “The Biology of Belief: The Intersection of Consciousness and Matter with Bruce Lipton”


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