Mar 29, 2019
Do you know people who struggle with addiction and wonder how to talk with them, having not been through similar struggles? Then you’re definitely going to want to stay tuned for this one!
I share the key tenets that anyone who is trying to help someone who is struggling with addiction — and has not struggled with...
Mar 27, 2019
This week we’re bringing you a topic we’ve wanted to talk about for a while now that’s near and dear to both of our hearts. We’ve mentioned it here and there but haven’t gotten the chance to fully explore it yet — and that is friendship breakups.
In our “Making Friends in Adulthood” episode we...
Mar 22, 2019
In this episode, I tell you the story of a client of mine who came here to do some work that ends with a flight cancellation and a profound lesson.
We’ve talked about perspective before, and this story goes off of that a bit, but with a slightly different view — a different perspective on perspective, if you will....
Mar 20, 2019
Our special guest today is LaRayia Gaston. LaRayia has a beautiful soul and, like us, believes that radical self-love is the foundation for permanent healing. Her organization, Lunch On Me, distributes organic food to the homeless and foster youth. They bring nutritious and organic meals to skid row six days a...
Mar 15, 2019
Today we’re talking about anxiety, depression, and all the other kinds of ongoing mental health issues that are very common among the people that I work with. I struggle with both anxiety and depression myself, and, in the past, have often found myself juggling problems and avoiding conflict, causing the anxiety and...